What Mixes Well With Evan Williams Honey?

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What Mixes Well With Evan Williams Honey

Experience the Sweetness of Evan Williams Honey whiskies in a Creative Way

Adding Fruits

Fruity flavors pair perfectly with the sweetness of Evan Williams Honey whiskies. Serve the whisky neat, on the rocks or stirred in a cocktail. You can also prepare a variety of exciting and creative mixed drinks using Evan Williams Honey whiskies with fruits such as apples, oranges, lemons, limes, berries and mangoes. For a light and refreshing beverage, mix equal parts of Evan Williams Honey whisky with apple juice or orange juice. Add a splash of soda water and a few slices of fresh fruit to the drink for extra flavor. Alternatively, you can add honey to simple syrup and use the mixture to prepare a special cocktail with Evan Williams Honey whisky and citrus fruits.

Adding Spices

Spices create a unique taste when combined with the sweet flavors of Evan Williams Honey whiskies. For a spicy summer cocktail, serve equal parts of Evan Williams Honey whisky and fresh orange juice. Whip up a cinnamon simple syrup by heating a half-cup of sugar and a half-cup of water together in a saucepan on the stove and then adding ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Once the mixture cools down, add the syrup to the whisky and orange juice mix. Add a splash of seltzer for a fizzy finish. You can also prepare a winter cocktail with Evan Williams Honey whisky by adding some ground nutmeg and a sprinkle of brown sugar to the mix.

Adding Herbs

Herbs such as mint, basil and rosemary are ideal for creating an exciting array of cocktails using Evan Williams Honey whiskies. To make a special summer twist on a classic whisky sour, mix equal parts of Evan Williams Honey whisky and lemon juice in a rocks glass. Add a sprig of fresh rosemary, a cube of brown sugar, a couple of drops of bitters and half a teaspoon of simple syrup. Muddle the ingredients, then add some crushed ice and top off with a little bit of soda water and a fresh piece of rosemary as a garnish. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can prepare a special winter cocktail by combining orange juice, Evan Williams Honey whisky, fresh basil, mint, lime juice, simple syrup and a splash of soda water.

Adding Pure Honey

There are a variety of ways to add extra sweetness to a classic Evan Williams Honey whisky: mix it with pure honey, use a citrus-infused honey syrup or add a spoonful of honey liqueur. To prepare a honey whisky sipper, gently mix 3 ounces of Evan Williams Honey whisky with an ounce of pure honey in a glass. Stir slowly to allow the honey to dissolve completely. Add a few ice cubes and top off with a creamy soda. You can also add a simple honey simple syrup by heating up equal parts of honey and water on the stove and stirring until the honey dissolves completely. After the mixture cools down, mix it with the whisky for a special drink.

Adding Fruit Juices

Evan Williams Honey whiskies blend nicely with all kinds of fruit juices. You can create a tart and sweet summer treat by mixing equal parts of Evan Williams Honey whisky and grapefruit juice. Add a dash of lime juice and a tablespoon of sugar syrup. Top off with some soda and fresh mint leaves for a refreshing flavor. Alternatively, you can prepare a sweet winter cocktail with raspberry juice, Evan Williams Honey whisky and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon. Add a shot of Bailey's irish cream for an extra creamy taste.

Adding Chocolate

Rich and creamy chocolate is a perfect way to elevate the sweetness of Evan Williams Honey whiskies. Prepare a rich and warm wintery treat by mixing equal parts of Evan Williams Honey whisky and hot chocolate. Add a teaspoon of hazelnut syrup and a generous splash of cream or milk. Stir the ingredients together, and top off with a sprinkle of ground nutmeg and some shaved chocolate. Alternatively, you can create a sweet and smooth summer beverage by combining equal parts of Evan Williams Honey whisky and cocoa. Add some simple syrup, some sweet cream and a tablespoon of melted dark chocolate. Give the mixture a stir with a spoon and top off with a scoop of ice cream for a decadent finish.

Adding Teas

Tastes of black tea, oolong and green tea will add a sweet and earthy flavor to Evan Williams Honey whiskies. For a refreshing summer sipper, mix equal parts of Evan Williams Honey whisky and oolong tea. Add a teaspoon of honey syrup, some citrus juice, a pinch of ground ginger and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Top off with some soda and a piece of orange peel for a unique flavor. Alternatively, you can prepare a warm winter cocktail with black tea instead. Heat a cup of black tea with 1 teaspoon of sugar and ½ teaspoon of ground ginger. Once the mixture cools down, add in 2 ounces of Evan Williams Honey whisky and a tablespoon of honey syrup. Top off with some cream or milk for extra sweetness.

Adding Coffee

Coffees such as espresso, cappuccino and latte will all work brilliantly with Evan Williams Honey whiskies. To prepare a special winter cocktail, mix 2 ounces of Evan Williams Honey whisky with 1/3 of an ounce of espresso. Add a tablespoon of honey simple syrup and top off with some cream. For an extra creamy treat, include a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the mix. For a refreshing summer surprise, mix equal parts of Evan Williams Honey whisky and cappuccino. Give the mixture a quick stir with a spoon and add a few tablespoons of honey simple syrup. Top off with a generous splash of cream or milk. For an extra kick you can also add a half-teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Adding Soda

Giving your whisky a twist by combining it with a variety of sodas is a great way to elevate the sweetness of Evan Williams Honey whiskies. For a light summer sipper, mix equal parts of Evan Williams Honey whisky and sparkling soda. Stir the mixture with a spoon and add a few tablespoons of honey simple syrup. Top off the mix with some lemon zest and a few slices of lime. Alternatively, you can prepare a creamy winter cocktail with cola and Evan Williams Honey whisky. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a couple of tablespoons of honey simple syrup for a sweet and unique flavor.

From serving neat to stirring up the perfect winter or summer cocktail, Evan Williams Honey whiskies offers an exciting range of creative and delicious possibilities. With a few simple ingredients and a bit of imagination, you can enjoy the sweet and smooth flavor of Evan Williams Honey whiskies.

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